The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Tomosaburō Shimada

Shimada, Tomosaburō


* 12th of March 1882

† 4th of September 1945


(しまだ ともさぶろう)


1942-04-01 Major-General
1944-03-01 Lieutenant-General


1938-07-15 1939-09-12 Judge Advocate General, 4th Army
1939-09-12 1940-12-02 Judge Advocate General, China Expeditionary Army
1940-12-02 1945-01-29 Judge Advocate General, Eastern Army
1945-01-29 1945-04-07 Judge Advocate General, Eastern District Army
1945-01-29 1945-04-07 Judge Advocate General, 12th Area Army
1945-04-07 1945-09-XX Judge Advocate General, 1st General Army
1945-09-04 Committed suicide
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