The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops Albert Ivanovich Shtromberg

Shtromberg, Albert Ivanovich

Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops

* 17th of May 1900

† 27th of July 1976

(Альберт Иванович Штромберг)


1938-XX-XX Colonel
1940-04-02 Kombrig
1940-06-04 Major-General of Tank Troops
1945-04-19 Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops


1938-04-XX 1939-11-XX Assistant Head for Tank Forces, Major Formations Tactics Department, Military Academy of the General Staff
1939-11-XX 1940-02-XX Senior Instructor at the Military Academy of the General Staff
1940-02-XX 1940-06-XX At disposal of the Political Directorate
1940-06-XX 1940-11-XX At disposal of the Deputy People's Commissar of Defence
1940-11-XX 1941-05-XX Senior Instructor at the Military Academy of the General Staff
1941-05-XX 1941-07-XX Head of Operational Art Department, Military Academy of the General Staff
1941-07-XX 1941-07-11 Deputy Head of Operations Directorate, General Staff
1941-07-11 1941-10-15 Deputy Chief of Staff, Southwestern Theatre
1941-07-11 1941-10-15 Chief of Operations Section, Southwestern Theatre
1941-10-XX 1942-12-XX Senior Instructor at the Military Academy of the General Staff
1942-12-XX Head of Tank Department, Military Academy of the General Staff 18.10.44-25.02.46: Chief of Staff, 6th Guards Tank Army
1946-02-25 Deputy Commandant for Operational-Tactical Training, Military Academy of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1958-09-22 1960-11-11 Senior Military Adviser to the Chinese Army
1960-11-11 Retired
Picture source:через-гоби-и-хинган