The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops Boris Vladimirovich Shulgin

Shulgin, Boris Vladimirovich

Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops

* 12th of September 1905

† 1st of November 1962

(Борис Владимирович Шульгин)


1942-10-06 Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-05-22 Colonel
1944-11-02 Major-General of Tank Troops
1953-08-03 Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops


1942-08-25 1942-10-30 Acting Commanding Officer 212th Tank Brigade
1942-10-30 1943-02-18 Commanding Officer 212th Tank Regiment
1943-02-18 1945-11-22 Commanding Officer 17th Guards Tank Brigade
1945-11-22 1946-03-07 Deputy Commanding Officer 2nd Guards Mechanised Division
1946-03-07 1948-11-26 Commanding Officer 18th Mechanised Division
1948-11-26 1949-02-02 Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1949-02-02 1951-03-12 Commanding Officer 19th Guards Mechanised Division
1951-03-12 1953-11-24 Commanding Officer LXXIX Rifle Corps [German Democratic Republic]
1953-11-25 1954-11-15 Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1954-07-24 1956-05-24 Assistant Commander in Chief White Sea Military District
1954-07-24 1956-05-24 Chief of Combat Training Section, White Sea Military District
1956-05-24 1957-07-29 First Deputy Commander in Chief Southern Ural Military District
1957-07-29 1958-11-18 Military Adviser to the Chinese Army
1958-11-18 1960-03-08 Deputy Commander in Chief Kiev Military District
1958-11-18 1960-03-08 Chief of Combat Training Section, Kiev Military District
1960-03-08 1960-05-21 At disposal of the Commander in Chief Kiev Military District
1960-05-21 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin