The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Engineers Pavel Vasilevich Shvydkoi

Shvydkoi, Pavel Vasilevich

Lieutenant-General of Engineers

* 17th of November 1906

† 8th of March 1961

(Павел Васильевич Швыдкой)


1944-01-17 Major-General of Engineers
1955-08-08 Lieutenant-General of Engineers


1941-05-XX 1941-07-XX Commanding Officer 3rd Construction Detachment
1941-07-XX 1941-09-XX Assistant Commanding Officer for Supply, Military Field Construction Detachment, Northwestern Front
1941-09-XX 1941-10-XX Instructor at the Military Engineering Academy
1941-10-XX 1941-11-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 18th Engineering Brigade
1941-11-XX 1942-11-18 Commanding Officer 18th Engineering Brigade
1942-11-18 1945-05-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 65th Army
1942-11-18 1945-05-XX Commanding Officer Engineers, 65th Army
1945-05-XX 1946-05-XX Commanding Officer Engineers, Northern Group of Forces
1946-05-XX 1947-11-XX Commandant of Leningrad Military Engineering School
1947-11-XX 1948-06-XX Commanding Officer Engineers, Northern Caucasian Military District
1948-06-XX 1951-12-XX Commanding Officer Engineers, Transcaucasian Military District
1951-12-XX 1958-03-XX Commanding Officer Engineers, Moscow Military District
1958-03-XX 1961-03-08 Commandant of the Military Engineering Academy
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous