The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Luigi Sibille

Sibille, Luigi


* 1st of September 1884

† 21st of October 1964


1926-05-16 Lieutenant-Colonel (Seniority from 1923-12-31)
1931-01-07 Colonel (Seniority from 1931-12-21)
1937-09-09 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1937-07-01)
1940-07-01 Major-General


1920-03-20 1927-10-30 Attached to the Military Geographical Institute
1927-10-30 1932-01-07 Attached to 3rd Alpine Regiment
1932-01-07 1932-01-16 At disposal
1932-01-16 1934-06-28 Commanding Officer 63rd Infantry Regiment "Cagliari"
1934-06-28 Atached to Royal Colonial Troops Corps Tripolitania
1937-09-09 1938-09-01 Attached to the Ministry of Italian Africa
1938-09-01 1939-05-24 Deputy General Officer Commanding 6th Infantry Division "Legano"
1939-05-24 1939-09-01 Deputy General Officer Commanding 6th Infantry Division "Cuneo"
1939-09-01 Attached to Milano Corps
1940-04-20 Attached to XVI Corps
1940-04-20 Attached to the Ministry of Italian Africa
1940-XX-XX 1940-07-08 General Officer Commanding 1st Libyan Division [North Africa]
1942-08-05 Attached to I Corps
1942-08-05 1943-04-01 General Officer Commanding 202nd Coastal Division
1943-04-01 Attached to Torino Territorial Defence Command
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