The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Medical-Inspector-General Marie-Eugène-Adolphe Sicé

Sicé, Marie-Eugène-Adolphe


* 23rd of December 1885

† 21st of March 1957


1931-09-25 Medical-Lieutenant-Colonel
1935-09-25 Medical-Colonel
1938-12-30 Medical-General
1941-08-10 Temporary Medical-Inspector-General
1941-12-25 Medical-Inspector-General


1937-01-21 1939-04-08 Chief of Medical Services, French Sudan
1939-04-08 1939-05-19 On leave
1939-05-19 1939-09-02 Deputy Director of École d'Application du Service de Santé des Troupes Coloniales
1939-09-02 1940-01-09 Director of Medical Services, XV Corps
1940-01-09 1940-08-28 Director of Medical Services, French Equatorial Africa
1940-08-28 Joins the Free French
1940-08-28 1942-05-20 Director of Medical Services, Free French Africa
1941-08-10 1942-05-20 High Commissar of Free French Africa
1942-07-22 1945-12-23 Inspector-General of Health & Social Services
1945-12-23 Retired