The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Petr Semenovich Sidorik

Sidorik, Petr Semenovich


* 16th of January 1901

† 19th of August 1979

(Петр Семенович Сидорик)


1944-11-17 Major-General


1940-07-XX Chief of Staff, 16th NKVD Escort Brigade
1942-05-XX Chief of Staff, 43rd NKVD Escort Brigade
1942-05-XX 1943-06-XX Commanding Officer 43rd NKVD Escort Brigade
1943-06-XX 1946-03-XX Commanding Officer 35th NKVD Escort Division
1946-03-XX 1951-07-XX Commanding Officer 35th MVD Escort Division
1951-07-XX 1954-04-XX Chief of 2nd Section, Escort Troops, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ukraine SSR
1954-04-XX Retired
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