The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Leonid Alekseevich Slanov

Slanov, Leonid Alekseevich


* 8th of May 1901

† 14th of May 1969

(Леонид Алексеевич Сланов)


1943-12-20 Major-General


1939-05-XX 1941-01-XX Commanding Officer 33rd Cavalry Regiment
1941-01-XX 1941-08-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 94th Rifle Division
1941-08-XX 1942-02-28 Commanding Officer 80th Cavalry Division
1942-02-28 Wounded
1942-02-28 1942-08-XX Hospitalised
1942-08-XX 1943-04-07 Deputy Commanding Officer 9th Guards Cavalry Division
1943-04-07 1944-12-27 Commanding Officer 11th Guards Cavalry Division
1945-03-XX 1945-04-30 At disposal of the Personnel Section, Cavalry
1945-04-30 1946-07-05 Commanding Officer 23rd Cavalry Division
1946-07-05 Retired
1952-03-22 Recalled
1952-03-22 1953-08-08 Head of Military Horse Farm "S.M. Kirov"
1953-08-08 Retired
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