The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Technical Troops Aleksandr Petrovich Smirnov

Smirnov, Aleksandr Petrovich

Lieutenant-General of Technical Troops

* 23rd of December 1894

† 25th of February 1977

(Александр Петрович Смирнов)


1942-08-04 Major-General of Technical Troops
1945-07-29 Lieutenant-General of Technical Troops


1928-08-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Supply, 8th Railway Regiment
1934-01-XX Commanding Officer 7th Railway Regiment
1934-01-XX 1936-05-XX Attending the Military Transport Academy
1936-05-XX 1938-03-XX Commanding Officer 7th Railway Regiment
1938-03-XX 1942-01-XX Commanding Officer 1st Separate Railway Brigade
1942-01-XX 1944-04-XX Commanding Officer Railway Troops, Western Front
1944-04-XX 1945-08-XX Commanding Officer 4th Military Reconstruction Works
1945-08-XX 1947-03-XX Commanding Officer III Railway Corps
1947-03-XX 1951-01-XX Deputy Head of Main Military Reconstruction Works Directorate
1951-01-XX 1957-04-XX First Deputy Head of Main Railway Troops Directorate
1957-04-XX 1959-10-XX Deputy Head of Main Railway Troops Directorate
1959-10-XX Retired