The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Sergei Vladimorovich Sokolov

Sokolov, Sergei Vladimorovich


* 5th of June 1904

† 22nd of June 1965

(Сергей Владимирович Соколов)


1942-07-21 Major-General
1943-12-20 Lieutenant-General


1937-09-XX 1937-12-XX Commanding Officer 75th Cavalry Regiment
1937-12-XX 1939-07-XX Attending the Cavalry Commanders' Advanced Training Course
1939-07-XX 1941-11-XX Attending the Frunze Military Academy
1941-11-16 1942-01-XX Commanding Officer 46th Cavalry Division
1942-01-17 1942-02-03 Commanding Officer XII Cavalry Corps
1942-05-19 1942-08-08 Commanding Officer XI Cavalry Corps
1942-09-XX 1942-12-28 Deputy Commanding Officer 29th Army
1942-12-28 1943-01-19 Commanding Officer VII Cavalry Corps
1943-01-19 1945-04-09 Commanding Officer VI Guards Cavalry Corps
1945-04-XX 1946-07-XX At disposal of the Commander in Chief of Cavalry
1946-07-XX 1950-03-XX First Deputy Commander in Chief Moscow Military District
1950-03-XX 1950-07-XX Head of Personnel Directorate, Ground Forces
1950-07-XX 1951-02-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1951-02-XX 1953-05-XX At disposal of the 10th Section, 2nd Directorate, General Staff
1953-05-18 1954-06-16 Commanding Officer XII Mountain Rifle Corps
1954-07-XX 1955-05-XX Chief of Staff, Northern Caucasian Air Defence District
1955-05-XX 1956-12-XX Assistant Commander in Chief Carpathian Military District
1956-12-XX 1959-07-XX Head of Combined Military Department, Military Command Academy of Air Defence
1959-07-XX Retired
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