The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank-Engineering Service Iurii Nikolaevich Solovev

Solovev, Iurii Nikolaevich

Major-General of Tank-Engineering Service

* 15th of March 1897

† 18th of December 1955

(Юрий Николаевич Соловьев)


1937-XX-XX Military-Engineer 2nd Rank
1940-XX-XX Military-Engineer 1st Rank
1942-07-13 Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-11-05 Major-General of Tank-Engineering Service


1940-07-16 1940-XX-XX Chief of Tank Supply Section, 16th Army
1940-09-04 Assistant Commanding Officer for Technical Affairs, 7th Tank Division
1941-03-29 Assistant Commanding Officer for Technical Affairs, 17th Tank Division
1941-03-29 1941-07-18 Assistant Commanding Officer for Technical Affairs, XIII Mechanised Corps
1941-07-18 Chief of Tank Supply Section, Western Special Military District
1942-05-XX 1943-04-13 Deputy Commanding Officer for Tank Forces, 3rd Tank Army
1943-01-27 1943-04-13 Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 3rd Tank Army
1943-04-13 1943-05-14 Assistant Commanding Officer for Technical Affairs, 3rd Guards Tank Army
1943-05-14 1945-05-XX Assistant Commanding Officer for Technical Affairs, 3rd Guards Tank Army
1945-05-XX 1946-01-11 Deputy Commanding Officer for Technical Affairs, 3rd Guards Tank Army
1946-01-11 1946-03-XX Inspector, Military-Naval Training Section, All-Union Committee for Higher Schools, Council of People's Commissars
1946-03-XX 1946-08-01 Inspector, Military-Naval Training Section, All-Union Committee for Higher Schools, Council of Ministers
1946-08-01 1946-09-14 Chief of Tank Supply & Remount Section, 3rd Guards Mechanised Army
1946-09-14 1949-03-22 Deputy Commanding Officer for Technical Affairs, 3rd Guards Mechanised Army
1949-03-22 1951-03-15 Deputy Commanding Officer for Technical Affairs, Tank & Mechanised Forces, Odessa Military District
1951-03-15 1951-05-11 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1951-05-11 Retired
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