The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Vasilii Timofeevich Solovev

Solovev, Vasilii Timofeevich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 4th of February 1904

† 3rd of September 1946

(Василий Тимофеевич Соловьев)


1940-10-08 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-XX-XX Colonel
1944-05-16 Major-General of Tank Troops


1939-07-20 1941-07-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1941-07-08 1941-07-10 Chief of Staff, XVI Mechanised Corps
1941-07-10 1941-08-11 Commanding Officer 103rd Tank Division
1941-08-11 Commanding Officer ? Battalion, 102nd Tank Division
1942-06-29 1943-03-18 Head of Commanders' Advanced Training Course, Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1943-03-18 1943-04-XX Deputy Head of Rear Service Department, Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1943-04-XX 1944-04-02 Chief of Staff, Tula Tank Camp
1944-03-09 1945-08-13 Chief of Staff, Tank & Mechanised Forces, 4th Ukrainian Front
1944-04-02 1944-05-31 Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 4th Ukrainian Front
1945-08-13 1946-09-03 Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, Odessa Military District
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhael Eremenko