The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Vladimir Nikolaevich Solovev

Solovev, Vladimir Nikolaevich


* 13th of July 1902

† 10th of June 1969

(Владимир Николаевич Соловьев)


1944-11-02 Major-General


1941-06-30 1941-09-28 Senior Assistant Chief of 1st Branch, Operations Section, 14th Army
1941-09-28 1942-02-18 Acting Chief of 1st Branch, Operations Section, 14th Army
1941-09-28 1942-02-18 Deputy Chief of Operations Section, 14th Army
1942-02-18 1942-06-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, 14th Army
1942-02-18 1942-06-XX Acting Chief of Operations Section, 14th Army
1942-06-XX 1942-08-23 Commanding Officer 35th Guards Rifle Regiment
1942-08-XX 1942-09-30 Commanding Officer 6th Separate Ski Rifle Brigade
1942-09-30 1944-02-27 Commanding Officer 31st Separate Light Mountain Rifle Brigade
1944-02-27 1944-03-08 Commanding Officer I Light Rifle Corps
1944-03-08 1947-07-22 Commanding Officer CXXVI Light Mountain Rifle Corps
1948-04-XX 1949-05-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1949-05-XX 1950-04-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 7th Separate Cadre Tank Division
1950-04-XX 1953-07-XX Assistant Commanding Officer 7th Mechanised Army
1953-07-XX Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin