The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Comptroller-General 1st Class Jean-Marie-Léopold Soubeyrand

Soubeyrand, Jean-Marie-Léopold

Comptroller-General 1st Class

* 4th of December 1870

† 27th of February 1955


1918-04-19 Comptroller 1st Class
1924-05-23 Comptroller-General 2nd Class
1928-06-29 Comptroller-General 1st Class


1923-XX-XX Chief of Services, Secretariat-General, Ministry of War
1924-08-26 1926-09-20 Assistant Secretary-General to the Minister of War
1935-12-04 Director of Supervision, Ministry of War
1935-12-04 Retired
1939-09-02 Recalled
1939-09-02 1940-04-15 Chief of the Special Mission for Supervision of North Africa
1940-04-15 Retired