The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Intendant-General 1st Class Albert-Louis Souques

Souques, Albert-Louis

Intendant-General 1st Class

* 6th of February 1890

† 13th of March 1952


1935-09-25 Military Intendant 2nd Class
1940-03-25 Military Intendant 1st Class
1941-02-01 Temporary Intendant-General 2nd Class
1942-03-13 Intendant-General 2nd Class (Dated back to 1941-12-25)
1945-10-01 Intendant-General 1st Class


1940-02-23 1941-11-14 Director of Intendancy Service, French Equatorial Africa
1941-11-14 1944-01-11 Secretary-General of the National Commissariat of War
1944-01-11 1946-08-23 Director of Intendancy Service, Land Forces of French West Africa
1946-08-25 1947-03-16 On leave
1947-03-16 1947-12-16 At disposal
1947-12-16 1950-02-06 Director of Intendancy Service. 9th Military Region
1950-02-06 Retired