The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Medical-General Charles-Martin-Léon Spire

Spire, Charles-Martin-Léon


* 24th of September 1875

† 17th of January 1945


1926-12-25 Medical-Colonel
1930-10-18 Medical-General


1924-XX-XX 1926-XX-XX Chief Medical Officer, École Supérieure de Guerre
1927-08-07 1930-04-30 Director of Medical Services, XXII Corps
1930-04-30 1931-12-22 Assistant to the Permanent Inspector of the School of the Military Medical Services
1931-12-22 1935-09-24 Director of Medical Services, 20th Military Region
1935-09-24 Retired
1939-09-02 Recalled
1939-09-02 1940-04-01 Director of Medical Services, 9th Military Region
1940-04-01 Retired
Picture source: promotion: 23.12.1921 Medical-Lieutenant-Colonel