The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Nikolai Georgievich Stavtsev

Stavtsev, Nikolai Georgievich


* 22nd of May 1902

† 2nd of October 1965

(Николай Георгиевич Ставцев)


1945-09-08 Major-General


1938-06-XX 1941-04-XX Chief of Staff, 105th Fortified Area
1941-04-XX 1942-01-XX Chief of Staff, 39th Rifle Division
1942-01-XX 1942-02-07 Deputy Commanding Officer 187th Rifle Division
1942-02-07 1942-03-04 Commanding Officer 251st Separate Rifle Brigade
1942-03-04 1944-03-13 Commanding Officer 110th Fortified Area
1944-03-13 1946-03-XX Commanding Officer 190th Rifle Division
1946-03-XX 1947-01-24 Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1947-01-24 1947-07-XX At disposal of the Personnel Directorate, Ground Forces
1947-07-XX 1949-04-05 Chief of Staff, Soviet Military Administration, Mecklenburg [Germany]
1949-04-05 1949-12-XX Acting Head of Soviet Military Administration, Mecklenburg [Germany]
1949-12-XX 1950-11-XX Deputy Commanding Officer LXXIX Rifle Corps
1950-11-XX 1952-08-XX Deputy Commanding Officer XXXV Guards Rifle Corps
1952-08-XX 1953-09-XX Commanding Officer 128th Guards Mountain Rifle Division
1953-09-XX 1954-01-XX Head of the Military Department, Lvov Veterinary-Zootechnical Institute
1954-01-XX 1956-03-10 Deputy Commanding Officer XXVII Rifle Corps
1956-03-10 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko