The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank-Engineering Service Iurii Aleksandrovich Stepanov

Stepanov, Iurii Aleksandrovich

Major-General of Tank-Engineering Service

* 20th of February 1900

† 5th of September 1963

(Юрий Александрович Степанов)


1935-12-04 Brigade-Engineer
1942-11-17 Major-General of Tank-Engineering Service


1933-09-XX 1938-07-XX Head of Engines Department, Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1937-07-XX Dismissed from the Army
1939-12-XX Reinstated in the Army
1939-12-XX 1943-04-17 Head of Engines Department, Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1943-04-17 1943-09-XX Head of Engines Department, Military Academy of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1943-09-XX 1950-03-31 Deputy Commandant for Special Technical Training, Military Academy of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1950-03-31 1954-05-10 Head of Engines Design Department, Military Academy of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1954-05-10 1959-08-18 Head of Engines Design Department, Military Academy of Tank Forces
1959-08-18 Retired
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