The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Petr Iakovlev Strepukhov

Strepukhov, Petr Iakovlev


* 12th of July 1889

† 4th of November 1945

(Петр Яковлевич Стрепухов)


1942-10-01 Major-General


1934-04-XX 1939-02-XX Commanding Officer 114th NKVD Cavalry Regiment
1939-02-XX 1939-10-XX Attending the NKVD Commanders' Advanced Training Course
1939-10-XX 1941-07-XX Head of Air Defence Directorate, People's Commissariat of Shipbuilding Industry
1941-07-XX 1941-09-25 At disposal of the Personnel Directorate
1941-09-25 1941-10-09 Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff 09.10.41-20.12.41: Commanding Officer Rostov People's Militia Cavalry Division
1942-01-24 1942-05-15 Commanding Officer 116th Cavalry Division
1942-06-XX 1942-10-XX Commanding Officer 13th Cavalry Division
1942-10-XX 1942-12-XX Commanding Officer 12th Guards Cavalry Division
1942-12-XX 1943-03-XX Hospitalised
1943-03-XX 1944-08-03 Inspector of Cavalry, Northern Caucasian Front
1944-08-03 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of Cavalry
1945-07-28 Head of the Military Department, Moscow Institute of Soviet & Cooperative Trade
1945-07-28 Retired
1945-11-04 Died of illness
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