The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Kirill Filippovich Suleikov

Suleikov, Kirill Filippovich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 14th of February 1893

† 23rd of February 1985

(Кирилл Филиппович Сулейков)


1939-XX-XX Colonel
1940-06-04 Major-General of Tank Troops


1935-05-XX 1938-01-XX Commanding Officer 29th Mechanised Regiment
1938-01-XX 1938-10-XX Commanding Officer Tank Forces, XVI Rifle Corps
1938-10-XX 1940-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer XX Tank Corps
1940-XX-XX 1940-06-04 Deputy Commanding Officer X Tank Corps
1940-06-04 1940-08-10 Commanding Officer 18th Tank Division
1940-08-10 1941-08-XX Deputy Commanding Officer III Mechanised Corps
1941-09-XX 1941-12-XX Deputy Inspector-General, Inspection, Main Tank Directorate
1941-12-XX 1942-10-12 Inspector-General, Inspection, Main Tank Directorate
1942-10-12 1943-01-22 Deputy Commanding Officer Tank Forces, Northwestern Front
1943-01-22 1943-06-12 Deputy Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, Northwestern Front
1943-06-12 1943-08-07 Deputy Commanding Officer 3rd Guards Tank Army
1943-08-07 1943-12-15 Commanding Officer VII Guards Tank Corps
1943-12-15 1944-03-XX At disposal of the Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 1st Ukrainian Front
1944-03-XX 1944-08-XX Assistant Commanding Officer I Tank Corps
1944-08-XX 1945-05-19 Assistant Commanding Officer XIII Guards Rifle Corps
1945-05-19 1945-08-17 Sick leave
1945-08-17 1945-11-14 Attached to Frunze Military Academy
1945-11-14 1948-04-13 Senior Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1948-04-13 1949-10-29 Assistant Head of Main Department, Frunze Military Academy
1949-10-29 1951-10-15 Deputy Head of Rifle Division Commanders' Advanced Training Cource, Frunze Military Academy 15.10.51: Retired
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