The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Iuvelian Davidovich Sumbatov-Topuridze

Sumbatov-Topuridze, Iuvelian Davidovich


* 1889

† 29th of August 1960


(Ювельян Давидович Сумбатов-Топуридзе)


1935-11-29 Commissar of State Security 3rd Rank
1945-07-09 Lieutenant-General 15.07.34-01.01.37: Head of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, Azerbaijan SSR


1937-01-01 1938-01-10 People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, Azerbaijan SSR
1938-01-10 1938-04-17 In reserve
1938-04-17 1941-07-31 Head of Administration & Economics Directorate, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD
1941-07-31 1946-03-XX Head of Economics Directorate, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD
1946-XX-XX 1947-03-27 Head of Economics Directorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs MVD
1947-03-XX 1953-07-15 Deputy Chairman of Council of Ministers Azerbaijan SSR
1953-07-17 1955-12-XX Arrested
1955-12-XX 1958-07-30 Hospitalised in prison
1958-07-30 Condemned to forced medical treatment
1960-08-29 Died in prison hospital
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