The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Aleksandr Ivanovich Sychev

Sychev, Aleksandr Ivanovich


* 19th of November 1901

† 3rd of July 1973

(Александр Иванович Сычев)


1945-07-11 Major-General


1941-07-XX Chief of 1st Section, Automotive-Road Directorate, General Staff
1941-07-XX 1941-12-XX Senior Assistant for Automotive-Road Service, Rear Service, Western Theatre
1941-12-XX 1942-07-XX Chief of Automotive-Road Section, Rear Service, Western Front
1942-07-XX 1942-08-XX Assistant Chief of Operations Section, VII Guards Rifle Corps
1942-08-XX 1943-02-XX Acting Chief of Operations Section, VII Guards Rifle Corps
1943-02-XX 1943-08-XX Chief of Operations Section, VII Guards Rifle Corps
1943-08-XX 1944-02-XX Chief of Staff, XIX Rifle Corps
1944-02-XX 1944-XX-XX At disposal of the Military Council, 2nd Baltic Front
1944-XX-XX 1944-05-26 Deputy Chief of Staff, 3rd Shock Army
1944-05-26 1944-06-14 Commanding Officer LXXXXIII Rifle Corps
1944-07-01 1945-07-XX Deputy Chief of Staff for Organisation, 2nd Baltic Front
1945-08-XX 1946-09-XX Chief of 6th Section, Organisation-Accounting Directorate, Main Organisation Directorate, General Staff
1946-09-XX 1948-07-XX Senior Instructor at Frunze Military Academy
1948-07-XX 1952-07-XX Deputy Head of General Tactics Department, Military Political Academy
1952-07-XX 1958-04-XX Head of General Tactics Department, Military Political Academy
1958-04-XX Retired