The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Seishū Takada

Takada, Seishū


* 9th of October 1896

† 19th of May 1945


(たかだ せいしゅう)


1939-03-09 Colonel
1943-03-01 Major-General
1945-XX-XX Lieutenant-General (Posthumously)


1938-07-15 1941-07-01 Staff Officer, 1st Army
1941-07-01 1942-06-01 Staff Officer, 3rd Army
1942-06-01 1942-10-20 Instructor at the War College
1942-10-20 1943-08-02 Chief of Replenishment Section, Kwantung Army
1943-08-02 1944-05-16 Commanding Officer 5th Field Transport Command [Burma]
1944-05-16 1945-05-19 Inspector of Commissariat, Burma Area Army
1945-05-19 Killed in Action