The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Jūzō Takahashi

Takahashi, Jūzō


* 21st of March 1890

† 24th of August 1972


(たかはし じゅうぞう)


1935-08-01 Colonel
1938-07-15 Major-General


1933-08-01 1936-08-01 Commanding Officer 6th Cavalry Regiment
1936-08-01 1937-12-04 Commanding Officer 23rd Cavalry Regiment
1937-12-04 1938-07-15 Chief of Staff, 20th Depot Division
1938-07-15 1940-03-09 Commanding Officer 2nd Cavalry Brigade
1940-03-09 1941-03-01 Commanding Officer 11th Independent Mixed Brigade
1941-03-01 1941-04-28 Attached to Western Army
1941-04-28 1941-04-30 In reserve
1941-04-30 Retired
1945-06-01 Recalled
1945-06-01 1945-09-XX Attached to Kwantung Army
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