The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Hideichi Takeda

Takeda, Hideichi


* 3rd of September 1878

† 6th of May 1939


(たけだ ひでいち)


1923-08-06 Colonel
1929-08-01 Major-General
1933-08-01 Lieutenant-General


1923-08-06 1924-08-20 Commanding Officer Aomori Regimental District
1924-08-20 1925-05-01 Commanding Officer Training Regiment, Army Infantry School
1925-05-01 1927-07-01 Chief of Instruction Section, Army Infantry School
1927-07-01 1930-08-01 Commandant of Toyohashi Army Training School
1930-08-01 1931-10-01 Commanding Officer 37th Infantry Brigade
1931-10-01 1933-12-02 Attached to Imperial Guards Division
1933-12-02 1934-08-01 General Officer Commanding 3rd Independent Garrison Unit
1934-08-01 1934-09-30 In reserve
1934-09-30 Retired