The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Tan Zhiping

Tan Zhiping


* 1890

† 1963



1928-XX-XX Chief of Adjutant Section, 19th Independent Division
1930-XX-XX Chief of Adjutant Section, 34th New Division
1938-XX-XX Commanding Officer Fenghuang-Mayang Area Bandit Suppression Command, Hunan
1939-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 5th Provisional Division, 6th New Army
1949-XX-XX Speaker, Fenghuang County Council, Hunan Province
1949-06-XX 1949-11-07 Commanding Officer Fenghuang Area Bandit Suppression Command, Hunan
1949-11-07 Joins the People's Republic
1952-XX-XX 1963-05-XX Imprisoned
1963-05-XX Released
1983-XX-XX Rehabilitated