The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops Trofim Ivanovich Tanaschishin

Tanaschishin, Trofim Ivanovich

Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops

* 31st of January 1903

† 31st of March 1944

(Трофим Иванович Танасчишин)


1941-12-16 Colonel
1942-12-07 Major-General of Tank Troops
1943-08-30 Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops


1941-03-25 1941-08-XX Commanding Officer 60th Tank Regiment
1941-08-XX 1941-12-30 Commanding Officer 36th Separate Motorcycle Regiment
1941-12-30 1942-07-15 Commanding Officer 36th Tank Brigade
1942-07-25 1943-01-09 Commanding Officer XIII Tank Corps
1943-01-09 1944-03-31 Commanding Officer IV Guards Mechanised Corps
1944-03-31 Killed in Action
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin