The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Julian-Maurice Tencé

Tencé, Julian-Maurice


* 27th of May 1880

† 23rd of September 1967


1926-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1931-06-25 Colonel
1935-06-11 Brigadier-General
1938-06-24 Major-General
1944-08-10 Lieutenant-General


1934-09-12 1935-09-15 Commanding Officer 4th North African Brigade
1935-09-15 1936-04-16 General Officer Commanding Fortified Region Rohrbach
1936-04-16 1936-08-17 Attached Centre d'Études Tactiques Interarmes
1936-08-01 1938-07-13 Professor at Centre d'Études Tactiques Interarmes
1938-07-13 1939-12-27 Military-Governor of Dunkerque
1938-07-13 1939-09-02 Commanding Officer Defence Sector Flandres
1939-11-27 1939-12-27 General Officer Commanding Northern Group
1939-12-27 1940-03-16 General Officer Commanding Fortified Region Belfort
1940-03-16 1940-06-22 General Officer Commanding XXXXIV Fortress Corps
1940-06-22 1945-05-09 Prisoner of War
1945-07-13 Retired