The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Charles-Amédée Thiébeauld

Thiébeauld, Charles-Amédée


* 26th of December 1879

† 28th of May 1972


1927-03-27 Lieutenant-Colonel
1929-12-25 Colonel
1934-12-03 Brigadier-General


1928-XX-XX 1929-XX-XX Chief of Staff, 47th Infantry Division
1930-XX-XX 1931-XX-XX Commanding Officer 120th Artillery Regiment
1932-XX-XX Chief of Staff, 10th Military Region
1936-XX-XX Commanding Officer Sub-Divisions Group Tours
1938-XX-XX Commanding Officer Artillery, Fortified Region Lauter
1939-06-19 1939-09-02 Commanding Officer Artillery, 10th Military Region
1939-09-02 1940-07-01 Commanding Officer Artillery, VIII Corps
1939-12-26 Retired, but remained employed
1940-07-01 Retired