The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Albert-Théodore Thiry

Thiry, Albert-Théodore


* 16th of February 1875

† 31st of May 1952


1916-06-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1918-04-19 Colonel
1925-09-22 Brigadier-General
1930-07-08 Major-General


1914-09-09 1916-08-08 Chief of Staff, 3rd Colonial Infantry Regiment
1916-08-08 1918-06-01 Commanding Officer 4th Colonial Infantry Regiment
1918-06-01 1918-10-08 Commanding Officer 32nd Colonial Infantry Brigade
1918-10-08 1919-06-17 Commanding Officer Infantry, 16th Colonial Infantry Division
1919-08-10 1919-10-06 Commanding Officer 21st Colonial Infantry Regiment
1919-10-07 1921-09-09 Chief of Staff, Colonial Corps
1924-06-24 1924-07-24 Chief of Staff, Colonial Corps
1924-07-24 1925-10-22 Chief of 1st Bureau, Directorate of Colonial Troops, Ministry of War
1925-10-22 1928-12-29 Commanding Officer French Equatorial African Group
1928-12-29 1929-10-30 At disposal
1929-10-30 1931-03-21 Member of the Advisory Committee on Colonial Defence
1931-03-21 1931-12-03 General Officer Commanding 1st Senegalese Colonial Division
1931-12-03 1933-03-03 General Officer Commanding Division Annam-Tonkin
1933-03-03 1935-03-13 General Officer Commanding French West African Group
1935-06-26 1935-12-14 On leave
1935-12-14 1936-01-30 At disposal
1936-01-30 1937-02-19 Member of the Advisory Committee on Colonial Defence
1937-02-19 Retired
1939-09-02 Recalled
1939-09-02 1939-10-20 General Officer Commanding Colonial Troops Depots in Paris
1939-10-20 Retired