The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Tatsujirō Tomioka

Tomioka, Tatsujirō


* 9th of October 1880

† 15th of October 1967


(とみおか たつじろう)


1926-03-02 Lieutenant-Colonel
1930-08-01 Colonel
1935-03-15 Major-General


1921-07-20 1931-08-01 Staff Officer, Army Technical Headquarters
1931-08-01 1932-04-23 Commanding Officer Tokyo Army Ordnance Supply Depot
1932-04-23 1933-08-01 Chief of Ordnance Section, Kwantung Army
1933-08-01 1935-03-15 Commanding Officer Hiroshima Army Ordnance Supply Depot
1935-03-15 1935-03-30 In reserve
1935-03-30 Retired