The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General Robert-Auguste Touchon

Touchon, Robert-Auguste


* 18th of December 1878

† 11th of July 1960


1923-06-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1928-12-25 Colonel
1933-01-04 Brigadier-General
1936-09-23 Major-General
1938-06-25 Lieutenant-General
1940-02-13 Temporary General
1940-08-20 General


1932-07-31 1935-12-01 Commandant of École d'Application de l'Infanterie et Chars des de Combat
1935-12-01 1936-08-01 Head of Infantry Tactics Faculty, Centre d'Études Tactiques Interarmes
1936-08-01 1938-06-25 General Officer Commanding 42nd Infantry Division
1938-06-25 1939-09-02 General Officer Commanding 14th Military Region
1938-06-25 1939-09-02 Military-Governor of Lyon
1939-09-02 1939-11-27 General Officer Commanding XIV Corps
1939-11-27 1940-02-13 General Officer Commanding XXIII Corps
1940-02-13 1940-07-01 General Officer Commanding 6th Army
1940-07-01 1940-08-20 General Officer Commanding 14th Military Region
1940-08-20 Retired