The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Jean-Louis-Alain Touzet du Vigier

Touzet du Vigier, Jean-Louis-Alain


* 10th of October 1888

† 16th of October 1980


1938-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-12-25 Colonel
1942-12-25 Temporary Brigadier-General
1943-08-25 Temporary Major-General
1945-06-25 Lieutenant-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1942-12-25)
1945-09-01 Major-General (Dated back to 1943-08-25)


1939-09-02 1939-12-15 Head of 3rd Bureau, Cavalry Corps
1939-12-15 1940-01-01 Attached to Centre d'Organisation Mécanique de la Cavalerie
1940-01-01 1940-05-25 Commanding Officer 2nd Armoured Regiment
1940-05-26 1940-07-18 Commanding Officer 5th Light Mechanized Brigade
1940-07-18 1940-11-17 Chief of Staff to General Petit as Chief of the Control of Reorganization of the Cavalry
1940-11-17 1942-01-25 Head of 3rd Bureau, Army General Staff
1942-01-25 1942-11-08 Commanding Officer 2nd Algerian Cavalry Brigade
1942-01-25 1942-11-08 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Mascara [Tunisia]
1942-11-08 1943-03-01 Commanding Officer Mechanized Brigade Algeria
1943-03-01 1945-01-08 General Officer Commanding 1st Armoured Division
1945-01-08 1945-11-29 General Officer Commanding 10th Military Region
1945-01-08 1945-11-29 Military-Governor of Strasbourg
1945-11-29 1946-02-16 Chief of the Army General Staff
1946-02-16 1947-03-11 Assistant Chief of the Army General Staff
1946-02-16 1947-10-10 Assistant Inspector-General of the Army
1946-12-XX 1947-10-10 President of the Commission for Reforming the Land Forces
1947-10-10 Retired
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