The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Vasilii Fomich Trantin

Trantin, Vasilii Fomich


* 6th of March 1899

† 26th of January 1965

(Василий Фомич Трантин)


1942-05-21 Major-General


1938-08-XX 1939-02-XX Commanding Officer 78th Cavalry Regiment
1939-02-XX 1941-08-XX Assistant Commanding Officer 8th Cavalry Division
1941-08-XX 1942-06-XX Commanding Officer 87th Cavalry Division
1942-06-30 1942-07-28 Commanding Officer XIII Cavalry Corps
1942-07-XX 1942-12-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 2nd Shock Army
1942-12-XX 1943-06-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1943-06-25 1945-03-08 Commanding Officer LVIII Rifle Corps
1945-03-XX 1945-05-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1945-05-XX 1945-06-11 At disposal of the Far Eastern Front
1945-06-11 1945-09-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 15th Army
1945-09-XX 1945-11-22 At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1945-11-22 1954-11-20 Commandant of Kiev
1954-11-20 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Auke Vlieger