The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of General Claudio Trezzani

Trezzani, Claudio


* 22nd of March 1881

† 13th of September 1955


1932-05-17 Brigadier-General
1938-07-31 Lieutenant-General (Exceptional merits)(Seniority from 1938-06-30)
1941-03-01 General (Designated)


1920-XX-XX 1925-XX-XX Chief Instructor (Tactics) at the War School
Commanding Officer 90th Infantry Regiment "Salerno"
Chief of Staff, XI Corps
1933-XX-XX Attached to Army of Bologna
1937-XX-XX General Officer Commanding 2nd Celere Division "Emanuele Filiberto testa di Ferro"
1938-XX-XX Chief of Staff, Italian East Africa General Headquarters
1938-09-01 1938-11-11 Attached to the Ministry of War
1938-11-11 1940-05-05 General Officer Commanding Celere Corps
1940-05-05 Attached to the Ministry of Italian Africa
1941-XX-XX 1944-XX-XX Prisoner of War
1945-05-02 1948-12-01 Chief of the Supreme General Staff
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