The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Pierre-Mathieu Tristani

Tristani, Pierre-Mathieu


* 16th of December 1891

† 4th of March 1943


1934-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-09-25 Colonel
1942-11-20 Brigadier-General


1939-07-01 1940-06-22 Commanding Officer 41st Colonial Machine-Gun Regiment
1940-06-22 1941-07-14 Prisoner of War
1941-07-14 Released
1941-09-12 1942-03-01 Attached to the Staff of the Commander in Chief of French West Africa
1942-03-01 1942-06-22 Commanding Officer Land Forces, Dakar Strong point
1942-06-22 1943-03-04 Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of Land & Air Forces in French West Africa
1943-03-04 Killed in an aircraft accident