The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Ivan Ivanovich Troitskii

Troitskii, Ivan Ivanovich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 19th of February 1903

† 6th of April 1957

(Иван Иванович Троицкий)


1940-XX-XX Colonel
1944-08-02 Major-General of Tank Troops


1939-10-31 1941-03-12 Chief of Staff, 11th Light Tank Brigade
1941-03-12 1942-02-15 Chief of Staff, 61st Tank Division
1942-02-15 1942-04-21 Deputy Commanding Officer 111th Tank Division
1942-04-21 1944-04-11 Commanding Officer 111th Tank Division
1944-04-XX 1945-01-22 Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 17th Army
1945-01-22 1945-02-24 Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 8th Guards Army
1945-02-24 1945-12-31 Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 17th Army
1945-12-31 1946-01-XX At disposal of the Commander in Chief of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1946-01-XX 1951-01-04 Commanding Officer 33rd Guards Mechanised Division
1951-01-04 1951-01-19 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1951-01-19 1951-12-25 Deputy Commanding Officer 10th Guards Mechanised Division
1951-12-25 1953-03-05 Deputy Commanding Officer for Self-propelled Artillery, Tank & Mechanised Forces, Carpathian Military District
1953-03-05 1953-06-08 At disposal of the Commander in Chief Carpathian Military District
1953-06-08 1954-01-15 Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 38th Army
1954-01-15 1956-07-02 Assistant Commanding Officer for Tank Forces, 38th Army
1956-07-02 1956-07-12 At disposal of the Commander in Chief Carpathian Military District
1956-07-12 Retired
Picture source: From 'Velikaya Otechestvennaya. Komdivy. Voennyy biograficheskiy slovar. Tom 1", 2011