The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Nikolai Mikhailovich Trusov

Trusov, Nikolai Mikhailovich


* 20th of October 1906

† 1st of November 1985

(Николай Михайлович Трусов)


1942-03-12 Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-02-22 Colonel
1943-11-17 Major-General
1955-08-08 Lieutenant-General


1942-02-XX 1942-05-XX Assistant Chief of 1st Section (German), 1st Directorate, Main Intelligence Directorate GRU
1942-05-XX 1943-01-XX Deputy Chief of Intelligence Section, Northern Group of Forces, Transcaucasian Front
1943-01-XX 1943-02-XX Deputy Chief of Intelligence Section, Northern Caucasian Front
1943-02-XX 1943-11-XX Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Northern Caucasian Front
1943-02-XX 1943-11-XX Chief of Intelligence Section, Northern Caucasian Front
1943-11-XX 1944-10-XX Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Separate Coastal Army
1943-11-XX 1944-10-XX Chief of Intelligence Section, Coastal Army
1944-10-XX 1945-02-06 At disposal of the Main Intelligence Directorate GRU, General Staff
1945-02-06 1945-05-XX Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, 1st Belorussian Front
1945-02-06 1945-05-XX Chief of Intelligence Section, 1st Belorussian Front
1945-05-XX 1946-07-XX Chief of Intelligence Section, Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany
1946-07-XX 1947-09-XX Deputy Head of Main Intelligence Directorate GRU, General Staff
1947-09-XX 1949-01-19 Head of Main Intelligence Directorate GRU, General Staff
1947-09-XX 1949-01-XX Chief of Intelligence & Sabotage Service, Ministry of the Armed Forces
1949-01-XX 1950-07-XX Deputy Head of Main Intelligence Directorate GRU, General Staff
1950-07-XX 1951-12-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1951-12-XX 1952-02-XX At disposal of the Main Intelligence Directorate GRU, General Staff
1952-02-XX 1955-05-XX Chief of Intelligence Section, Soviet Group of Forces in Germany
1955-05-XX 1963-06-XX Assistant Head of Main Intelligence Directorate GRU, General Staff
1955-05-XX 1963-06-XX Head of 6th Directorate, Main Intelligence Directorate GRU, General Staff
1963-06-XX 1969-10-XX Military Attaché to Czechoslovakia
1969-10-XX 1969-12-16 At disposal of the Main Intelligence Directorate GRU
1969-12-16 Retired
Picture source:Трусов_Николай_Михайлович.png