The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Aleksandr Vasilevich Tsinchenko

Tsinchenko, Aleksandr Vasilevich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 28th of August 1900

† 17th of August 1958

(Александр Васильевич Цинченко)


1940-10-08 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-06-05 Colonel
1945-05-05 Major-General of Tank Troops


1940-02-XX 1940-07-19 Chief of Supply Section, IV Cavalry Regiment
1940-07-19 1941-06-XX Chief of Supply Section, VIII Mechanised Corps
1941-06-XX 1941-08-26 Chief of Staff, VIII Mechanised Corps
1941-08-26 1941-10-XX Commanding Officer 23rd Tank Regiment
1941-10-XX 1942-01-01 Commanding Officer 13th Tank Regiment
1942-01-01 1942-03-03 Chief of Staff, 12th Tank Brigade
1942-03-03 1942-10-15 Commanding Officer 65th Tank Brigade
1942-10-XX 1943-02-XX Attending the Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1943-02-XX 1943-03-XX Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, Group Khozin
1943-03-XX 1943-05-XX Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 2nd Reserve Army
1943-05-XX 1943-08-XX Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 63rd Army
1943-08-XX 1943-09-XX Deputy Commanding Officer I Tank Corps
1943-09-XX 1944-01-XX Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 11th Army
1944-01-XX 1944-04-30 Deputy Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, Western Front
1944-04-30 1944-08-25 Commanding Officer 213th Tank Brigade
1944-09-XX 1948-03-14 Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 39th Army
1948-03-14 1948-05-04 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1948-05-04 Retired
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