The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Quartermaster Service Evgenii Efimovich Tsukanov

Tsukanov, Evgenii Efimovich

Major-General of Quartermaster Service

* 19th of December 1897

† 27th of February 1966

(Евгений Ефимович Цуканов)

(Jewgienij Cukanow)


1943-10-29 Major-General of Quartermaster Service


1936-11-XX 1937-10-24 Commanding Officer 47th Rifle Regiment
1937-10-24 1940-12-09 Military Attaché to Estonia
1940-12-09 1941-10-31 Commanding Officer 123rd Rifle Division
1941-10-31 1942-01-07 Chief of Staff, 90th Rifle Division
1942-01-09 1942-04-07 Commanding Officer 70th Rifle Division
1942-04-07 1943-04-25 Deputy Chief of Rear Service, 55th Army
1943-05-15 1944-05-XX Deputy Chief of Rear Service, 67th Army
1944-05-XX Transferred to the Polish People's Army
1944-05-08 1945-XX-XX Quartermaster-General, 1st Polish People's Army
1946-01-07 Returned to Soviet Union
1946-01-XX 1946-03-XX At disposal of the Personnel Directorate, Rear Service
1946-03-XX 1947-02-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1947-02-28 1947-11-17 Chief of Rear Service, Baltic Military District
1947-11-17 1949-08-12 Deputy Commandant of the Military Academy of Rear Service & Supply
1949-08-XX 1954-05-XX Head of Financial Directorate
1954-05-XX 1961-07-XX Deputy Head of Chancellery, Ministry of Defence
1961-07-XX Retired
Picture source: From "Dowodcy Wojska Polskiego na froncie wschodnim 1943-1945" by Maciej Szczurowski, 1996