The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Léon-Victor Tulpin

Tulpin, Léon-Victor


* 7th of July 1876

† 2nd of December 1943


1920-01-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1925-06-25 Colonel
1929-04-09 Brigadier-General
1934-06-08 Major-General


1924-XX-XX 1927-XX-XX Commanding Officer 17th Engineers Regiment
1927-01-07 1930-02-24 Military-Governor of Mutzig
1930-02-24 1936-12-01 Commanding Officer Engineers, 20th Military Region
1936-12-01 1938-07-07 General Officer Commanding Troops & Communications Services at Paris
1937-02-05 1938-07-07 Member of the Technical Committee of Engineers
1938-07-07 Retired
1939-09-02 Recalled
1939-09-02 1939-11-06 Director of Rear Areas, 5th Army
1939-11-06 1939-11-25 At disposal
1939-11-25 Retired