The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Brigadier James Reginald Bingham Turner

Turner, James Reginald Bingham


* 10th of July 1896

† 12th of August 1963

(Royal Artillery)


1939-08-23 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-12-01 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-06-24 Acting Colonel
1942-12-24 War Substantive Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-12-24 Temporary Colonel
1944-07-28 Lieutenant-Colonel
1945-01-10 Acting Brigadier
1947-08-12 Granted the Honorary rank of Brigadier


1939-08-23 1941-08-31 Assistant Adjutant & Quartermaster-General, ?
1942-06-24 1943-10-06 Chief Administration Officer, Eastern Central District
1947-08-12 Retired