The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Auguste-Joseph-Charles-Antoine Turquin

Turquin, Auguste-Joseph-Charles-Antoine


* 7th of May 1889

† 8th of December 1975


1933-03-24 Lieutenant-Colonel
1936-12-25 Colonel
1941-05-20 Brigadier-General
1944-02-02 Major-General
1944-10-01 Reverted to Brigadier-General


1937-04-XX 1938-02-XX Commanding Officer 6th Senegalese Tirailleurs Regiment
1938-02-XX 1939-06-XX Commanding Officer Moroccan Colonial Infantry Regiment
1939-06-20 1940-04-01 Attached to General Staff, Colonial Troops
1940-04-01 1940-07-14 Commanding Officer Infantry, 7th Colonial Infantry Division
1940-07-14 1940-10-20 Assistant General Officer Commanding 12th Military Region
1940-10-20 1945-05-10 Commanding Officer Annam-Laos Brigade [Indochina]
1945-05-19 1945-09-01 At disposal
1945-09-01 Retired