The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Ivan Ivanovich Usenko

Usenko, Ivan Ivanovich


* 28th of December 1901

† 5th of May 1968

(Иван Иванович Усенко)


1944-02-22 Major-General


1938-01-XX 1938-04-XX Commanding Officer 18th NKVD Cavalry Regiment
1938-04-XX 1939-05-XX Chief of Staff, 12th Special Cavalry Regiment [China]
1939-05-XX 1941-08-XX Commanding Officer Special Cavalry Regiment [China]
1941-08-XX 1944-09-XX Commanding Officer Special Military Unit No. 4279 [China]
1944-09-XX 1944-10-XX At disposal of the Special Assignments Directorate, General Staff
1944-10-XX 1944-12-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1944-12-XX 1945-02-25 Deputy Commanding Officer CXII Rifle Corps
1945-02-25 1946-08-XX Commanding Officer 56th Rifle Division
1946-08-XX 1946-10-XX Commanding Officer 20th Separate Rifle Brigade
1946-10-XX 1946-12-XX At disposal of the ministry of Internal Affairs MVD
1946-12-XX 1951-12-10 Commanding Officer 33rd Separate Rifle Brigade
1951-12-10 1952-12-13 Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1952-12-XX 1955-12-XX Commanding Officer 86th Guards Rifle Division
1955-12-XX 1957-06-17 Head of the Military Department, Kishinevsk Agricultural Institute
1957-06-17 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko