The Generals of WWII

Generals from The Netherlands Flag for The Netherlands
Portrait of Major-General Floris Abraham Vaillant

Vaillant, Floris Abraham


* 12th of February 1882

† 23rd of May 1951


1929-11-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-11-01 Colonel
1939-11-01 Major-General


1933-11-23 1937-11-01 Commanding Officer Pontoniers & Torpedists Corps
1937-11-01 1938-05-01 Commanding Officer 1st Engineers Command
1938-05-01 1940-XX-XX Inspector of Engineers
1940-XX-XX Head of V Department, Ministry of Defence
1940-07-15 Retired
1942-05-15 Prisoner of War
Picture source: From: "Militaire spectator." Geraadpleegd op Delpher op 24-02-2020,