The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops Nikolai Denisovich Vedeneev

Vedeneev, Nikolai Denisovich

Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops

* 16th of February 1897

† 16th of November 1964

(Николай Денисович Веденеев)


1938-02-22 Kombrig
1940-06-04 Major-General of Tank Troops
1945-07-11 Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops


1933-02-XX 1935-11-XX Commanding Officer 15th Mechanised Regiment
1935-11-XX 1937-06-XX Commanding Officer 26th Mechanised Regiment
1937-06-XX 1938-12-26 Chief of Staff, XXXXV Mechanised Corps
1938-12-26 1940-06-04 Head of Officers' Advanced Training Course, Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1940-06-04 1940-09-XX Chief of Staff, VI Mechanised Corps
1940-09-XX 1941-03-XX Deputy Commanding Officer VI Mechanised Corps
1941-03-XX 1941-07-13 Deputy Commanding Officer XX Mechanised Corps
1941-07-13 1941-08-XX Acting Commanding Officer XX Mechanised Corps
1941-08-XX 1942-06-XX Senior Instructor at Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1942-06-XX 1943-04-17 Head of Tactics Department, Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1943-03-17 1944-04-25 Head of Tactics Department, Military Academy of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1944-04-25 1944-07-14 Deputy Commanding Officer VIII Guards Tank Corps
1944-07-14 1944-11-20 Commanding Officer III Tank Corps
1944-11-20 1945-06-XX Commanding Officer IX Guards Tank Corps
1945-06-XX 1946-10-XX Commanding Officer 9th Guards Tank Division
1946-10-XX 1947-03-25 Assistant Commander in Chief for Tank & Mechanised Forces, Ground Forces
1946-10-XX 1947-03-25 Head of Combat Training Section, Tank & Mechanised Forces
1947-03-25 1951-05-11 Head of Command Department, Military Academy of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1951-05-11 Retired
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