The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Ian Ianovich Veikin

Veikin, Ian Ianovich


* 22nd of September 1897

† 11th of April 1979

(Ян Янович Вейкин)


1942-08-04 Major-General


1936-10-XX 1937-10-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1937-10-XX 1938-08-31 Senior Instructor at the Military Academy of the General Staff
1938-08-31 Dismissed from the Army
1939-08-04 Reinstated in the Army
1939-08-04 1941-08-13 Senior Instructor at the Military Academy of the General Staff
1941-08-13 1942-01-XX Commanding Officer 201st Rifle Division
1942-01-XX Wounded
1942-01-XX 1942-10-06 Commanding Officer 201st Rifle Division
1942-10-06 1942-12-30 Commanding Officer 43rd Guards Rifle Division
1942-12-31 1943-05-XX Commanding Officer 14th Guards Rifle Regiment
1943-05-XX 1943-08-17 At disposal of the Military Council, Northwestern Front
1943-08-17 1943-09-03 Acting Commanding Officer LXXXXIV Rifle Corps
1943-11-XX 1945-01-09 Chief of Staff, LXXXXIV Rifle Corps
1945-01-09 1945-02-12 Acting Commanding Officer LXXXXIV Rifle Corps
1945-02-12 1945-06-XX Chief of Staff, LXXXXIV Rifle Corps
1945-06-XX 1960-05-XX Deputy Head of Operational Art Department, Military Academy of the General Staff
1960-05-XX Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin