The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Semen Savvich Velichko

Velichko, Semen Savvich


* 14th of September 1903

† 3rd of May 1957

(Семен Саввич Величко)


1945-07-11 Major-General


1938-07-23 Commanding Officer 102nd Rifle Regiment
1938-07-23 Dismissed from the Army
1938-08-XX 1939-11-04 Arrested
1939-11-04 Released
1940-01-15 Reinstated in the Army
1940-01-15 1941-04-03 Instructor at Higher Military School of Staff Service
1941-04-03 1943-11-XX Instructor at Military Political Academy
1943-11-XX 1944-06-23 Deputy Commanding Officer 108th Rifle Division
1944-06-23 1944-11-26 Deputy Commanding Officer 82nd Rifle Division
1944-11-28 1946-03-XX Commanding Officer 186th Rifle Division
1946-03-XX 1947-04-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1947-04-XX 1949-05-XX Commanding Officer 94th Rifle Division
1949-05-XX 1950-02-XX Hospitalised and convalescing
1950-02-XX 1952-04-29 Head of Military Department, Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture & Sports
1952-04-29 Retired
Picture source:Величко%2C_Семен_Саввич.jpg