The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Iakov Iakovlevich Verbov

Verbov, Iakov Iakovlevich


* 8th of August 1899

† 25th of April 1985

(Яков Яковлевич Вербов)


1945-04-20 Major-General


1939-03-28 1941-11-XX Commanding Officer 264th Rifle Regiment
1941-11-XX 1941-12-13 Commanding Officer 12th Cadets Separate Rifle Brigade
1941-12-13 1942-01-18 Deputy Commanding Officer 400th Rifle Division
1942-01-18 1942-06-14 Commanding Officer 400th Rifle Division
1942-05-17 1942-08-10 Commanding Officer 156th Rifle Division
1942-08-XX 1942-10-06 At disposal of the Military Council, Northern Caucasian Front
1942-10-06 1942-12-02 Hospitalised
1942-12-02 1943-XX-XX Commanding Officer 408th Rifle Division
1943-XX-XX 1943-05-02 Commanding Officer 7th Separate Rifle Brigade
1943-05-02 1943-05-22 Commanding Officer 23rd Rifle Division
1943-06-XX 1944-06-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1944-06-30 1944-07-21 Commanding Officer 9th Guards Rifle Division
1944-09-11 1946-02-20 Commanding Officer 32nd Rifle Division
1946-02-20 1946-07-XX Commanding Officer 272nd Rifle Division
1946-07-XX 1952-06-XX Commanding Officer 50th Separate Rifle Brigade
1952-06-XX 1954-07-22 Assistant Commanding Officer Air Forces, Black Sea Fleet
1954-07-22 Retired
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