The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Brigade-Commissar Fedor Akimovich Vereshchagin

Vereshchagin, Fedor Akimovich


* 3rd of April 1900

† 22nd of June 1941


(Федор Акимович Верещагин)


1939-07-29 Brigade-Commissar


1938-XX-XX 1939-11-XX Military Commissar, 7th NKVD Dnepropetrovsk Brigade
1939-11-XX 1940-08-XX Military Commissar, NKVD Border Troops, Belorussian District
1939-11-XX 1941-05-XX Chief of the Political Propaganda Section, Directorate of NKVD Border Troops, Belorussian District
1940-08-XX 1941-06-22 Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs NKVD Border Troops, Belorussian District
1941-06-22 Seriously wounded
1941-06-22 Died in bombing of the hospital
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